Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Brain Disorders and Therapeutics, will be organized around the theme “Exploring the Challenges and Recent Innovations in Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Disorders”
Brain Disorders 2015 is comprised of 9 tracks and 70 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Brain Disorders 2015.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Fragile X in Adults and Dyslexia
- Track 1-2Brain injuries
- Track 1-3Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Track 1-4Mental Health Conditions
- Track 1-5Child psychiatric disorders
- Track 1-6Intracranial Hypertension
- Track 1-7Encephalitis and Hydrocephalus
- Track 1-8Meningitis
- Track 1-9Autism and Schizophrenia
- Track 1-10Sleep disorders and Epilepsy
- Track 1-11Multiple Sclerosis
- Track 2-1Trauma to the brain
- Track 2-2Brain Tumour
- Track 2-3Prenatel damage
- Track 2-4Substance abuse
- Track 2-5Inherited conditions that affect the brain
- Track 2-6Brain Cancer
- Track 2-7Infections
- Track 2-8Brain’s electrical pathways
- Track 3-1Inadequate Nutritional Intake
- Track 3-2Impaired Thiamine Utilization
- Track 3-3Mechanisms of Brain Injury
- Track 3-4Global Cerebral Ischemia
- Track 3-5Pressure on nerve tissue / blood supply may result in permanent damage
- Track 3-6Combination of genetic and environmental factors
- Track 3-7Loss of directionality of impulse
- Track 3-8 Serotonergic and neurotransmitter alteration
- Track 3-9Neurochemistry and neurophysiology of stress
- Track 4-1Mental stimulation and Stress management
- Track 4-2Dementia Prevention: Brain Exercise
- Track 4-3Prevalence of Brain disorders in Children and Youth
- Track 4-4Epidemology of Brain Disorders
- Track 4-5Mental health studies
- Track 4-6Seizures and Memory Problems
- Track 4-7Confusion and Vision
- Track 5-1Brain Mapping
- Track 5-2Magnetic resonance imaging
- Track 5-3Computerized tomography
- Track 5-4Positron emission tomography
- Track 5-5Arteriogram
- Track 5-6Psychotherapy
- Track 5-7Electroconvulsive therapy
- Track 5-8Somatotherapy
- Track 7-1Hydrocephalus
- Track 7-2Neuropathology of cerebrospinal fluid
- Track 7-3Cerebro Spinal Fluid Disorders
- Track 7-4Cognitive Disorders
- Track 7-5Pseudotumor Cerebri
- Track 7-6CNS infections
- Track 8-1Therapeutic brain stimulation (electric and magnetic)
- Track 8-2Tau-Based Treatment Strategies in Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Track 8-3Anti-amyloid therapy and Comprehensive treatment
- Track 8-4Therapeutic dilemmas in multiple sclerosis
- Track 8-5Future research directions in brain disorders
- Track 9-1Neuroimaging and Informatics
- Track 9-2Neuromechanics and NeuroModulation
- Track 9-3Neural networks and Neurorobotics
- Track 9-4Neural circuits and Artificial Intelligence
- Track 9-5Brain Monitoring Neuroprotection