Theresa D Hernandez & Birgitta Johansson
University of Colorado, USA & Gothenburg University, Sweden
Title: Complementary and alternative medicine-based interventions for traumatic brain injury: Translating research (basic and clinical) into evidence-based practice
Biography: Theresa D Hernandez & Birgitta Johansson
Objective: Presentation of current challenges and opportunities associated with CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) research and clinical applications in Civilian, Veteran and Military Service populations in the U.S. and Europe. Following a brief overview of CAM, there will be a discussion of translational capacity from basic to clinical research to clinical practice, as well as how to develop an adoptable evidence base, with proof of effectiveness. Methodological and ethical challenges associated with CAM research in those with traumatic brain injury and co-morbidities will also be described in terms of how these challenges relate to practice and policy issues, as well as implementation and dissemination. CAM modalities to be covered will include acupressure and mindfulness–based stress reduction with an emphasis on lessons learned from the laboratory and the clinic.