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Theresa D Hernandez

Theresa D Hernandez

University of Colorado USA

Title: Traumatic Brain Injury: What it is, What it isn’t and What Can be Done about it


Biography: Theresa D Hernandez


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is highly prevalent. Certain populations appear to be more at risk, even if the functionalrnconsequences are similar. Outcomes from a TBI will be dependent on severity. Though even after a mild TBI, while goodrnoutcomes can be expected for the majority, there are still many for whom symptoms are persistent and problematic. Indeed, onernof the challenges of a TBI is that recovery is typically variable and often incomplete. Gaining an understanding of what relates tornand is predictive of good vs. poor outcome is important. Equally important is taking this information and identifying targets ofrnopportunity for optimizing outcome.