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Ghazi Daradkeh

Ghazi Daradkeh

Hamad Medical Corporation- Al Khor Hospital, Qatar

Title: Nutritional status and macronutrients adequacy of some traumatic brain injury patients attending a specialized unit in the state of Qatar


Biography: Ghazi Daradkeh


Objective: The aim of this study were to assess the nutritional status and macronutrients adequacy of traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients and controls, attending treatment from a specialized unit in Qatar.

Research Design and Methods: This study was conducted among male (TBI) in-patients admitted in Rumailah Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, Hamad Medical Corporation-Doha, Qatar from August 2014 to June 2015 (21 cases and 21 healthy volunteers). The attendees were consecutive patients with TBI. Demographic variables were solicited via medical records or directly from the attendees with TBI. Anthropometric measurements and dietary intake (24- hour recall) were collected and assessed by the super tracker.

Results: Half of the participants (52.4%) were of age 30 -38 years range. Approximately 23.8% of cases were classified as having ‘mild TBI’ while 28.6% and 47.6% were classified as moderate and severe TBI respectively. In terms of nutritional parameters, three fourth (76.2%) of the cases were at high or moderate risk of malnutrition, 23.8% of cases were underweight, while 66.7% in the normal range and 9.5% were overweight. TBI patients were noted to have a deficiency in energy (30.2%), carbohydrate (43.0%), protein (24.8%), and fiber (54.1%) intake.

Conclusion: Despite the high prevalence of TBI in emerging economies such as Qatar, to our knowledge, there is a dearth of studies examining the nutritional status and its correlates among the TBI population. This study indicates that TBI patients in Qatar are at a high risk of developing malnutrition, and macronutrients deficiency. Therefore, nutritional assessment, intervention, and support are highly essential to improve TBI patient’s health status beyond the brain injury.