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Peter MT Deen

Peter MT Deen

Full Professor of Physiology, Department of Physiology, Radboud University Medical Center
Radboud University Medical Center


Peter Deen is a molecular physiologist interested in the (patho)physiology of renal water homeostasis regulation in health and disease. He was the first to identify mutations in genes leading to congenital NDI and contributed extensively to understanding the etiology and development of improved treatment for Li-NDI. He is a leading scientist in this discipline, has published >140 papers, with several in high impact journals, has given >80 invited lectures, and has obtained >40 grants. He was the first European recipient of the prestigious Young Investigator Award of the American Physiological Society and obtained a prestigious VICI grant.

Research Interest

Phato-physiology of integrative and renal water homeostasis regulation and energy metabolism in health and disease