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Panteleimon Giannakopoulos

Panteleimon Giannakopoulos

Geneva University School of Medicine, Switzerland


P. Giannakopoulos was Born in 1965 in Greece and obtained his MD degree in the University of Athens in 1989 before completing a full training on psychiatry and psychotherapy in London (Maudsley Hospital and Geneva) as well as postdoc training in Paris (La Pitié-Sâlpetrière Hospital, Federation of Neurology). In 1998, aged 33 years, he has been appointed as associate professor and medical head of the Division of Geriatric Psychiatry of the University Hospitals of Geneva. Later on (2004) he obtained the position of full tenured professor of Psychiatry in the University of Geneva. From 2003 to 2011, he also assumed a parallel position of full professor of Old Age Psychiatry in the University of Lausanne in order to promote the academic careers of junior staff locally. He has been Chairman of the Department of Mental Health and Psychiatry in Geneva for ten years (2005-2015) and vice dean of the Faculty of Medicine in the University of Geneva in charge of postgraduate and continuous education (2003-2011). From December 1st 2015, he is the medical head of the forensic psychiatry development in Geneva county. Specialist of Alzheimer disase research, he published more than 220 peer reviewed articles in the field of neurobiology of aging with particular focus on predictive biomarkers of cognitive decline.


Abstract : Imaging biomarkers in Alzheimer disease: state of the art and future perspectives