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Yuri P Danilov

Yuri P Danilov

University of Wisconsin, USA


Yuri P Danilov is a system neuroscientist with over 35 years’ experience in research on brain functions and the special senses, including vision, taste, hearing and balance. He is the lead discoverer of the balance retention effect and continues to identify potential clinical and non-clinical application of neuromodulation and sensory substitution technology. He received the PhD degree in Neuroscience, in 1984, from the Pavlov Institute of Physiology, USSR Academy of Science. He was co-inventor of the Brain Port vision and balance systems. He is a co-inventor of the CN-NINM technology and his interest areas are neuroplasticity, neurorehabilitation and enhancement of human performance.


Abstract : Eye movement rehabilitation by CN-NINM intervention: A set of case studies