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Nan-Shan Chang

Nan-Shan Chang

National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan


Nan-Shan Chan completed his Ph.D on Immunology in 1984 from Medical University of South Carolina and currently he is an acting Director for the Institute of Molecular Medicine in the College of Medicine at National Cheng Kung University where his research is focused on elucidating the functional interactions between cancer cells and the innate immune system. How cancer cells evade immune attack and prevent death-inducing factors-initiated apoptosis has been our focus of research. To understand how cancer cells develop resistance to tumor necrosis factor (TNF), we have utilized functional cloning and microarray approaches to isolate genes, which may regulate cancer cell sensitivity to toxic cytokines. We have recently discovered a tumor suppressor WOX1 (also named WWOX or FOR), which enhances TNF function and is apparently involved in embryonic cell differentiation and cancer pathogenesis.


Abstract : Tumor suppressor WWOX limits neurodegeneration and Zfra mitigates the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease